Monday, 30 July 2012

Outfit of the day

This is what I wore on Saturday. Me and Mike went to a small boot sale which wasn't very good and then we collected an Ebay item, which I later ended up returning, grrr.
Lace peter pan collar top-boot sale, River Island polka dot dungarees- boot sale.

I'm a sucker for a peter pan collar. They are so versatile and this particular one goes so well with these River Island polka dot dungarees which I got from a boot sale last week. I actually tried on this exact pair when they were being sold in-store so when I found them for a mere £1.00 I bought them without hesitation. Correct size and everything, it was meant to be. At 22 years old I don't think I will ever grow out of polka dots. I even have another pair of polka dot dungarees in a similar style from Topshop which I purchased when I used to work for them.


  1. I love those polka dot dungarees on you! How fab to find your size for £1, it pays to be patient! x

  2. this outfit is sooo cute! bargain :) x

  3. such a gorgeous outfit!
    Also I didn't purchase the dungarees, the post is a handful of pieces I have found whilst browsing and wanted to share. There are usually measurements given and if not just send them a little message :) x

  4. This outfit is too cute! I love how you have styled it! xx

  5. wow! i like that blue/white polka dots!!
    if you don't mind check out my blog and follow me if you like
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