Wednesday, 6 March 2013

RIP Cheesy the hamster

Last week I checked on my hamster Cheesy and noticed he had an enlarged, gunky eye, it literally looked as though it was popping out the socket. We took him to the vets and got some antibiotics and he eventually had his eye removed. He survived the operation and I felt as though I could breath again and the stress slowly drifted away. But unfortunately despite the fact he was running around and seemed as though he was returning to his normal self; last night he took a turn for the worse and was walking extremely slowly and off-balanced. He couldn't open his remaining eye and wouldn't eat. This morning Mike woke me up before he left for woke and broke the news to me that Cheesy didn't make it through the night. I'm devastated. He was only around 9 months old.
Here are some photos of him, the first one from when we first purchased him as a baby and the second is the last photo I took of him just after he had his eye removed.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear this :( <3 xxx

  2. Poor little babe, love all my pets to bits, always upsets me when one goes, sorry for your loss! xx

  3. Sorry for your loss, Dina. That's unfortunate (and not very pretty) that his eye had to go. Please take care. <3

  4. He was a cutie pie, but at least you know he didn't suffer for long.

  5. Poor little thing, I'm sorry he's gone. x

  6. Oh no, I'm so sorry about your loss.. He looks so cute and I'm so thankful that there are good people like you who can give him a good home and take him to the vet when needed. :(
