I haven't posted about my recent boot sale buys for a while so I hope this is worth the wait. I was thinking about doing reviews on the boot sales in my area. What do you think? Hopefully it will be helpful for anyone who lives relatively close by. Just don't go stealing all the bargains ;)
Following on from one of my previous posts about finding a
Liberty scarf, I have been very lucky to have found another Liberty item. These cute little embroidery scissors with a floral clown. Very random purchase, I think I paid around £2/£3 for this which is a bit higher than what I'd have liked but still a bargain and a pretty piece to have on display.

Next up is some cute little perfume bottles. These are on display on my dressing table a long with the
Chanel atomiser I bought last year. I only paid 50p each for these.

Lastly, I went to two different boot sales a week apart and managed to buy almost identical charm bracelets. One is a gold colour and the other is a silver colour, although the silver coloured chain is a bit rusty so I might combine both charms together on the gold chain. They are both really sweet and have tea pot and tea cup charms which makes them even more cooool!

I have so much I need to take photos of. So will hopefully be posting another haul once everything comes out the wash.