I purchased this satchel from a recent boot sale for £2.00. I had seen the sellers at the boot sale each week, I'm assuming they were having a huge clear out as each week they always have something different to rummage through. The thing that strikes me most about this particular satchel is that scrawled inside it has a date saying '62 and the name Sally along with a surname and other scribblings. The following week I saw the same sellers at another boot sale and one of the women answered the phone as Sally! Amazing! The satchel belonged to her when she was a child, which makes it even more special that there is so much history behind it. The only unfortunate thing about this is that it's very battered and bruised, I've cleaned it a bit but I am not sure what else I can do? Does anyone have any tips for cleaning this type of leather? Obviously I can't really chuck it in the washing machine. I'd love to revive it a bit.