I love it when Urban Outfitters donates to the Greenwich & Bexley Cottage Hospice charity shop because you can always pick up some major bargains. In the past I have seen brand new dresses with a RRP of £60 being sold for £4. I highly recommend trying to find out if any of your local charity shops get donated stock. On my recent visit I managed to pick up this macaron cook book for only £1. Hopefully at some point I can get round to making some of these. Watch this space...

Speaking of macarons, I also purchased this set of macaron lip balms from Accessorize. I admit that I am a sucker for cute packaging and was drawn in immediately, although note that Accessorize have wrote macaron wrong and have got confused with a macaroon which is a coconut type cake thing. I wish they would get more macaron themed items in.